Rebeca Saxon, my soon to be sister-in-law, is in labor right now! Eeeek, I am soooo excited that little Emily is on the way. We did her pregnancy photos just last week, and she was definitely in full bloom. She makes such a gorgeous pregnant mother that it made me excited to be one in the future. She already has her hands full with her daughter Gabriel, or Gabby who is 5 years old. I can’t believe how fast she has grown up. It feels like just yesterday that Becca was pregnant with her. Bryant has two sisters and a brother and between them all there are 4 girls! Emily will be our 5thniece!!! Bryant’s mom has already been asking when I’m going to give her a boy?! Haha, it will definitely be a few years, though I hope it is a boy because being surrounded by so many girls will only do him good.

The love of Rebbeca’s life, Jeremy and soon to be Emily’s father has a 8 year old son, Zach. Whenever I’m around Zach and Jeremy I can tell they are ecstatic about the new addition coming to their family! They recently moved into a new home as a family where everyone gets their own room! Little Emily’s new room is is filled with pastel pinks and greens which will go great with her rosy little fat cheeks! I can’t wait to photograph her as a newborn and every step of the way because they grow up so fast! Below are the photos of Rebecca and Emily’s soon to be brother and sister.

Kids are the craziest!


Birmingham, AL Children and Maternity Photography ~ Rebecca!


Birmingham, AL Children and Maternity Photography ~ Rebecca!

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  1. Laura Leslie says:

    I love that barn and she is so pretty!

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