This was one of my favorite sessions because it was my first time photographing a new born! My good friend John and his wife Kristy just had little Jack on 07/30/2010. You can really see the love in their eyes since their son has come into the world. Baby Jack is going to be spoiled with the amount of love he will get with two such wonderful parents and both sets of grandparents living close by. He pretty much slept the whole time with the occasional need for milk or a bathroom break. I being the youngest in my family haven’t really experienced a lot of babies, but watching my two friends work as a team made it look like they were unstoppable. It gave me something very much to look forward to in my future when I decide to start a family. His perfect little nose and little toes and fingers were captivating in their small size. Seeing the father’s hand holding his tiny foot made me really think how fragile life is. Hopefully these pictures will help them remember him during this time, because I hear they grow up fast!
Momma gave jack a big fat kiss, leaving traces of love on his pudgy little cheeks!